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Our last event of the season was live streamed from our home stage at the Palace Theatre! This event welcomed acclaimed violinist Elena Urioste (she was our cameo performer for the Orchestra’s Amazing Grace first virtual orchestra performance).

Ms. Urioste plays the charming Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 often referred to as The Turkish. Never failing to be relevant for our time, Haydn’s Symphony No. 64, was named by Haydn himself, Tempora Mutantur from the Latin epigram by Elizabethan poet John Owen: “Tempora Mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis,” (times change, and we must change with them.) The work was written towards the end of his Sturm und Drang. (storm and stress) period, and the slow movement is perhaps one of the composer’s most charming and original.

Enjoy this rebroadcast including a never-before-seen pre-show from backstage!